From Salford. Campaigning for young carers in the North-West and across the UK.
The Digi Fund
Read more about the Digi Fund here
Who is eligible?
To be eligible, young people must be:
Aged between 5-18.
Registered with their local service in Salford, Folkestone, Wrexham, Conwy, Denbighshire and Cheshire West.
Be in primary/secondary school in college or undergoing an apprenticeship.
Facing difficulty in undertaking their studies due to digital poverty.
We prioritise applicants:
Who have a desire to move into higher education, an apprenticeship or equivalent qualification.
From financially excluded households.
How do people apply?
All 4 young carer services will be invited to write applications for up to 10 young carers they support. Individuals cannot apply, applications must come through their local young carers service. These services can apply for up to £350 per person. There is no minimum amount a service can apply for.
The deadline to submit applications is midnight on Monday 1st of March 2021. Once the deadline has passed, all applications will be processed and anonymised by LUNG. They will then be distributed and reviewed by a panel who will be formed of:
1 x member of Who Cares Campaign
1 x member of LUNG
1 x member of The Lowry
1 x independent member who specialises in supporting young carers
The panel will meet on Monday 8th of March. All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the 10th of March.
Are you a young carer and want to apply?
If you are a young carer from Salford, Folkestone, Wrexham, Conwy, Denbighshire or Cheshire West and would like to apply - contact your local young carers service:
How will the technology be distributed?
Once young carers services have been notified about the outcome of their applications, they will then consult with The Who Cares Campaign on ordering the technology.
Monitoring and evaluation
Young carer services who support a young person who receives support from the Digi Fund will be asked to fill in an evaluation form to measure long term impact and feedback on the overall process.